Categories | Search Engines, Website,
Most of the businesses that I work with start their websites under the following assumption: if I build a website, people will visit it. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.
With over 350 million websites on the internet to view, how can we expect people to find our little website, ahead of so many others? With thousands of articles out there about building more traffic, why is it that so many people still don?t have the traffic that they want? Simply put, they are using the wrong strategies.
In any web project or online business, there are an infinite numbers of ways to build awareness and traffic, and each different business will have a completely unique way that it should be going about it ? remember that what works for a garbage company, may not work for an information product. So, without any further ado, let?s get into the nuts and bolts of it.
The Key to Instant Search Engine Traffic
There are a million and a half different ways to rank highly on a Search Engine, in fact every Internet Marketer has their own way of doing it (and all can be highly effective) and there is an entire industry dedicated to the mastery of it (SEO).
Let?s instead talk about the aspect of SEO (or rank building) that is the least discussed, but in my opinion, the most important. Competition.
Have you ever wondered why you can start a website called ?Bazzle?, and instantly it ranks as number one on every Search Engine for the term ?Bazzle?? Simple. Because there is no (or very little) competition for it.
But then if you want to create a website that is called ?Search Engine?Optimization?, you have 1 chance in hell of getting that thing one Google?s Page 1. Why? Because there are so many websites targeting that term! Sure you can spend thousands of dollars, and hundreds of hours trying (and probably failing) to get your website to the top of that list, but surely there must be an easier way.
There is.
Simply put: Target a term on your website with low (or even better, zero) competition. Yes, it may take a little bit of time in research and experimenting to find a term that works for you, but the reward is instant search engine traffic.
I know, this sounds so simple, you will probably ignore this completely. But let?s look at the facts. You can spend 100 hours trying to place highly on a competitive term, only to lose your position because someone else has an entire team dedicated to getting them highly ranked, or you can spend 1 hour figuring out a term with low competition.
How do you find a term with no competiton?
The easiest way is of course to simply search for a term and look at the results. If you are getting a lot of results that don?t have that specific term highlighted in bold, or even sites that don?t even include that term, you know there is low competition on that term.
Getting a little fancier, you can use Google?s Keyword tool. Simply type in a search term and watch as a whole bunch of terms come up, not only with a competition ranking, but with the number of searches that term gets each month.
When you trying to find that keyword, you may need to get a little creative. You may even need to get very niche-specific. But remember this, people searching for ?Sports Nutrition for elderly Golfers? are much more valuable to your Sports Nutrition business than people searching for ?Nutrition?. You may only get 100 searches per month on that term, but if 90 of those people are extremely interested in your business, that is much more valuable than 100,000 searches where 20 are interested in your business.
I usually look for a term that if I simply name the website that term, I can rank almost straight away. Maybe a heading that includes the term, or some small content targeting, but if I want instant traffic, I don?t look for a term that will require much more than that.
I know that sounds ridiculous, but when you build a website and spend a long time getting it ranking on Google and having a huge amount of traffic, there is nothing more disheartening than seeing that 99% of your visitors leave straight away, because really, they are not interested in you or your offerings.
Now, that is not the whole story. If ranking on Google had only to do with finding a term with little to no competition, then targeting that on your website, it would be far too easy to write an article on. There is a science to rank building that includes backlinks, meta descriptions, content modification and so much more.
But why not make your job 100 times easier and find a keyword that you can get instant traffic on?
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April 3, 2012
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