Thursday, April 5, 2012

Home construction grows and that's good news for truckers

Economist are reporting that they see signs that the housing-market is making a recovery and that?s good news for the commercial trucking industry which experiences a direct boost in business as home construction increases.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported that the number of workers on residential remodeling projects grew by 5.8 percent in December, making it the largest rate of growth since December 2006. Home sales have also grown in recent months and the construction of single-family homes is at its highest rate in months.

That?s not to say the housing market has completely recovered since the market bubble burst of 2008, but the positive news is good for the commercial trucking industry which transports construction materials for new homes, and furniture, accessories and light construction materials for home remodels.

Kermit Baker, a senior fellow at Harvard University?s Joint Center for Housing Studies, said the boost in remodeling projects appears to be spurred by an improving economy and good winter weather in much of the country.

?More remodeling projects are going to create more jobs in the construction industry,? Baker also said in a recent Bloomberg BusinessWeek article.

As jobs in the construction industry grow that means more jobs in the commercial trucking industry, which has already been experiencing a shortage of professional drivers for the past few years. The commercial trucking industry has been experiencing steady growth even before the recent uptick in construction figures and home sales, but as the economy begins to recover it will mean an even greater demand for the trucking industry.

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